Implementing Grover’s Diffusion Operator in A Single Photon, 2-Qubit Spatial Mode System

By Neha

Quantum communications offers a revolutionary solution to future data security challenges. Photons, the building blocks of quantum communications, encode quantum information, such as polarization and momentum. We investigate the enhancement of communications protocols by treating the spatial modes of a single polarization-encoded photon as two separate qubits. In effect, we can recreate traditional 2-photon operations in an individual photon, improving the scability of quantum devices. To demonstrate the robustness of our approach, we will create a controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate using path entanglement between the spatial mode qubits in the polarization basis. The second part of project will be in constructing the Grover's diffusion operator using our 2-qubit single photon system and our optically implemented CNOT gate. At the detectors, we will observe the output states of the spatial modes to determine whether the amplitude has successfully been rotated. We expect the detector corresponding to the state marked by the Oracle to have the highest number of photon coincidences.

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Implementing Grover’s Diffusion Operator in A Single Photon, 2-Qubit Spatial Mode System

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