Exploring a Model of Quantum Cognition

By Christopher Qian

Math is useful because it creates and derivates quantifiable expressions to explain events that occur in reality. In this case, the amalgamation of Quantum theory into Cognitive Science attempts to patch holes inside the latter, such as the Disjunction Effect illustrated in the Prisoner's Dilemma, as a new branch known as Quantum Cognition. However, its novelty has yet to be tested with quantum computational servers, relying on the NumPy library to calculate results manually. This project will achieve three objectives: use Quantum Cognition to model the Iowa Gambling Task, utilize Qiskit (a Quantum Computing library) and Reinforcement Learning to model a Quantum Cognition agent, and prove quantum superiority by pitting the Quantum agent against a standard Q-learning agent.

[Research Poster] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JDXNdUPGvrKEP6wHfDqP0aO5gIWap-nf/view?usp=sharing

[Research Presentation Slides] https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Ay5Uu2Si0UQjJBX31bSIgTNRPlcKP0b/view?usp=sharing

[Presentation Video] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aEDAaoou7RahUJGFNSTgy9t6RLFF7oPT/view?usp=sharing

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