Designing a laser microphone using a Michelson Interferometer and Machine Learning

By Praneeth Bhandaru

The Buran Eavesdropping System, also known as a Laser Microphone, was first developed by Leon Theremin in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It is a reconnaissance tool by the KGB for eavesdropping targets through solid objects using a low-power infrared beam. Various advancements from its creation increased the system's accuracy and portability; However, the precision and set-up time has seen little to no advances. The lack of innovation is a significant setback to the mass use of this reconnaissance system, as being covert and timely is critical.

There have been other projects detailing ways to solve this problem, many theoretical with no physical model to support their case. However, the information they provide is of utmost importance for understanding the principles behind the design of the laser microphone.

Modernizing and creating a new Buran Eavesdropping System aims to verify the system's future in reconnaissance and prove the system's reliability. There is an ongoing information war going on in the world, and every single innovation in the field of reconnaissance is necessary to protect innocent civilians from possible threats and to create the world a safer place. The new system would help do precisely that and create opportunities for further innovations of the system.

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