Alumni Projects - Graduation Year: 2022

Novel Methods for Quantum Gradient Descent

Lauren Delwiche

This project improves on existing quantum gradient descent methods by combining the alternate distance finding metric used in natural gradient descent with stochastic estimations. The presentation will include the algorithm design and its application to a set of polynomials.

OptiFect: A Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithm for Predicting Optimum Defect Density in Graphene

Cristian Clewis

Due to fundamental thermodynamics principles, crystallographic defects in nanomaterials are impossible to avoid. OptiFect is a variational quantum eigensolver-based algorithm that seeks to model electrical conductivity in graphene layers with various defect profiles.

Proving Qutrit Teleportation

Aarush Sivanesan

Previously, quantum teleportation has involved teleporting qubit ("quantum bit") two-dimensional states, but cutting-edge approaches of teleporting three-dimensional "qutrit" states have shown promise in eliminating noise problems and increasing information capacity, among other benefits. To further that end, this project is concerned with assessing qutrit teleportation's viability and replicability in an experimental environment.

Quantum Error Correction

Tarushii Goel

Developing and bench-marking quantum error correction algorithms.

How Quantum Entanglement can Improve Optical Accuracy

Aditya Chezhiyan

The absolute minimum error rate for optical measurements scales with the Heisenberg Limit, which can be approached with the correct setup. This project uses the properties of quantum entanglement to try and approach this minimum error rate in addition to comparing this quantum setup to a classical setup in order to observe the increase in accuracy.

Creating a Photonic Stern-Gerlach Apparatus

Anya Mischel, Owen Rollins

We are creating a photonic Stern-Gerlach apparatus. This devices visualizes the quantization of spin using lasers, beam splitters, polarizers, and wave plates.

Demonstration of Laser Power Beaming in Space

Anhui Zhang

SWELL, an acronym for Space Wireless Energy Laser Link, will be the first experiment to demonstrate laser power beaming in space. This will be important in the continued development in investigating different methods of transferring energy.

Assessing Decoherence Error of a Single-Qubit Optical Quantum Computer

Aarav Bajaj, Garrett Heller, Pranav Mathur

In this project, we use the polarization of our laser as our superposition state and waveplate constructions as Quantum X-gates. We compute the theoretical and experimental expectation value of our polarization state through the X-gates and analyze the results to estimate and devise a method to mitigate decoherence error.

Effects of Quantum Computing on Deepfakes and Generative Models

Andrew Wang

Quantum generative models may provide a computational advantage in training state-of-the-art generative models. Quantum computing have notoriously faced the disadvantage of sometimes being erroneous - a factor that could be mitigated from a probabilistic generative model standpoint.

Investigating the Chaotic Behavior of an N-Body Black Hole System

Amrita Sahu

Utilizing astrophysical computational tools such as Brutus and the AMUSE framework, I seek to prove that a system of >2 black holes will experience time irreversibly based on initial perturbations in the system. This work could help researchers quantify the chaotic nature of black holes by separating any computational inaccuracies from actual chaotic behavior.

Utilizing Quantum Neural Networks for Tetris Block Identification

Tae Ha Kim, Adnan Murtaza

For this project, we compared the error rates over time of classical and quantum neural networks on a dataset of 4x4 images of Tetris blocks. Future goals would be to test other datasets.

Construction of a Simplified Quantum Communication System that Implements Quantum Key Distribution

Jeanie Qi

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a secure communication method which implements a cryptographic protocol involving components of quantum mechanics. It enables two parties to produce a shared random secret key known only to them, which can then be used to encrypt and decrypt messages.

Evaluating Various Qubit Entanglement Structures for Quantum Circuitry

Pravalika Putalapattu

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A Protocol to Minimize Resources Needed for Data Transferral within a Network of Quantum Computers

Harold Margeta-Cacace

Given the significant technological barriers to data transferal within a network of quantum computers, it is critical to find optimization protocols for the transferal process that can help offset current limitations. The researcher will present one such protocol.

Investigating Quantum Algorithms for Protein Folding using QAOA and Quantum Annealing

Sameeksha Garg

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Comparing classical and quantum computing for image classification.

Chiraag Govind

I am comparing quantum and classical image classifiers on the MNIST dataset. This includes binary and multi-class classification.

Exploring Quantum Algorithms for Portfolio Optimization

Jack Ebert

Using quantum optimization algorithms to create an investment portfolio from a subset of the S&P 500 companies. Looks to explore new ways to quickly solve investing problems, an increasing relevant issue in the world of high finance.

Interpreting the Mach-Zehnder Delayed-Choice Quantum Eraser Interferometer Through the Lens of the M

Rick Yoon

What happens during a quantum measurement is still an open question in physics, and this project explores one theory of quantum measurement using an optical experiment. That theory is known as the "Many-Worlds Interpretation," which holds that there are an infinite number of worlds which exist in parallel in the same space-time continuum as our own.

Using Variational Quantum Eigensolvers for Prime Factorization

Eleanor Kim

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Alumni Projects

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